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Saturday, October 22, 2011

I feel gloomy

Today is little cold, I go to coplay to change the size of my clothes.
After I go out of the subway station, I see two persons, whose clothes are dirty, standing on the street with a cardboard.

At first time, I don't care because I'm hurry to change the clothes. But when I come back, I find they are still there. Then I see what said on the cardboard.
I find some information about them:
They are father and son;
They are homeless now;
They need help.
Those are also my reasons to help them. When I go closely, I find no one pay attention to them, although there are many people around the street. When I see their eyes, I can find sadness. I give the father $20 that I have in my pocket, and I hope that may help them.

On my way home, I'm still think about the "Thank you" he told me. I have a question about "why people don't help them?" Because they may not be the real homeless people? If they are the real ones, what's the future of them and what can we do for the homeless people?
I need an exact answer.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I have a dream.

I have a dream that relatives in our country can get together, and they can not be separated by others. They can live happily without being worried.

I have a dream that everyone can make a contribution to others as a volunteer. They can donate to help each other without protest.

I have a dream that one day the green can be found everywhere in China. Children can play on the grass, and people never worry about the water and food. Every child can grow up healthily.

I have a dream that our technology can be developed fast and better. In this way, all the disabled person and badly sick people can have a normal, but beatific life.

I have a dream that one day the war will disappeared on the world. Everyone can make friends with each other with sincere smile. They can create a beautiful future.

This is our hope and this is our belief that can make me walk on the road of life to see all the things happening.

With this belief, I'm firmly convinced that it can be come true in the future. At that time, there is no difference among the people. There is no war between the countries. There is no harm on the world any more. The man just have the happiness around them and forever.

Let the persuasion go over the sea.

Let the belief pass through the earth.

Let the faith spread across all over the world.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The presentation of the 7-day basic cost

Last week, we have a presentation. Each group can choose one of the three topic to test and give a report. Our group chose the topic about "The basic cost in a week". It has the connection with the article about Singer's solution for the poor. It was very interesting that most of the groups in our class chose this one as their experiment. Because we thought it was easy to do. But I found I was wrong. It could be a kind of torment that made me annoyed.

During the 7 days, I could only eat bread and milk for meals. Although I could have dinner with others together which was already free, I couldn't keep on doing it. So after 3 days later, I ate lunch at canteen in the university which made me really happy. Sometimes, I was walking in the street and market when I saw a thing I like, I should just see it for several minutes and give it up at last. Finally, my action gave me the return that I saved almost 25 dollars which was hard for me to achieve.

When the presentation started, I was really nervous. I didn't know why I became so restless because I also gave several presentation in my school. The one main reason I thought was the first group did so perfect which gave me much pressure. When it was my turn to say, I found my heart was throbbing strongly. I must say something I told to myself and I really did it. Although I didn't say very well, I still kept on reporting. I wanted to try.

After our presentation, I could still hear my heart was jumping up and down. The encouragement from my partners gave me much power to finish the presentation. At that time, I could not believe I did it. HAHA.

Other groups' presentation were great, especially their experiments and PPT. I wanted to do better in the future and this presentation class gave me a good and impressed experience.