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Friday, September 30, 2011

A terrible thing happened last day

What a bad day. I really unlucky last day. I can't believe it that all the important information in my mobile HDD was missing and the mobile HDD also didn't work any more. I spent a whole afternoon to repair it, but I failed.If there is no idea, I should take it back to my hometown to fix it. How can I get the lost information back? Does someone give me an idea?

If I can't make the mobile HDD work again, maybe I need a new one. Could you recommend a good and safe mobile HDD to me?

Thank you very much!


  1. dude thats terrible.... how about having a spare usb to put your datas? my teacher told me being prepared does no harm....

  2. That's right. It's a good way to save the information. Thank you for your idea. I'll do it.
